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Week Reflection
2     There were many instances of using self reflection throughout my first English class. My professors wanted to be able to show us that we can improve our work through certain processes and steps. The main way we could do this was by looking at our own work and critiquing it properly. One of the main ways it personally helped me out was by finding areas that I had rushed or not properly stated when writing. It allowed me to find some crucial mistakes that I may not have found if I did not do self reflection. 

     Something that I have learned is to strengthen the areas that I am weak in while also using the strong portions of my skill. By working on areas I have trouble with, it allows me to find new styles of writing and presenting information. One of the key parts that have stayed with me is trying to entertain the reader. Oftentimes even research articles can be very boring and tedious to read. One of the things I have tried to implement in my writing when possible is to add personal anecdotes or situations that are relatable for the reader.

3     Throughout this week I was able to review some of my writing by analyzing weak points and the main focus of the essay itself. I was able to find that I needed to improve on clearly stating my criteria and breaking them into separate portions in the essay. I was also able to learn crucial notes on lab reports about the next assignment. It allowed me to focus my attention onto something new and explore ideas of engineering that I found interesting. 

     I found one of the flaws in my research was using articles that did not follow the specific formula of using experimental research. Most of my articles that were found contained personal experimentation or argumentative writing which is not what was required for this specific project. I want to implement better annotation strategies into my research as it will allow me to understand very long and complex reports in an easier way. By using note taking and paraphrasing strategies, I can increase the worth that I get from time as well as reading the articles and reports.

4     The Product Review Essay had many rhetorical strategies used throughout the writing process and allowed for many of the students to learn and understand more about them. One of the driving features was the use of comparisons like metaphors. Although the product was supposed to be supported in order to get a level of interest from the reader. In order to accomplish this, the use of rhetorical strategies had to be limited. The hyperbolic or metaphorical stances typically used were not a way to convince someone to buy the product. Strategies had to be altered in order to fit the conventions and limitations of the essay.
5     Throughout the class one thing I have enjoyed doing in terms of looking back on things done in class are the peer reviews and self reflection assignments. It allows for me to get an external perspective into my work and see how I can alter or change the information in order for the reader to better understand the content. Oftentimes in the past I found that teachers would not give enough time on the reevaluation or rewrite of an essay which I felt was crucial in this class. By rewriting and reordering my thoughts, I was able to present a much more coherent and well written essay the second or third time around. Not only has this helped me become a better writer, but it has helped me to learn that you need to try many times in order to make a final product that is fully finished. 


     Another way for me to acquire knowledge not gained in class with the professor would be to ask my classmates or peers about these problems and solutions. By working with others who have similar projects and assignments as me, I will be able to have a deeper and more connected understanding of how to complete a certain task.

6/7     The LRA was a very eye opening writing task for me as I had not had to do such an in depth research task before. Although I did major research assignments prior, they all included my input and opinion while this essay focused purely on the content written in the Lab Reports. One of the rhetorical examples I had an issue with was the genre of the whole essay. Many times throughout the first draft, I included numerous personal details and opinions which could have swayed the overall view of the Lab Report. By constricting my views to be objective, I was able to understand certain directions more clearly and understand the reports better as a whole.
8     The Labor Logs are a solid way to catch up and plan your activities throughout the semester but oftentimes I feel they are a chore to do. If there was a more interactive alternative which allowed for students to upload information as they worked on projects with constant reminders or updates to notify their progress. By using spreadsheets or docs, I feel the experience feels like a more toned down planner which just makes it another assignment instead of something that can truly help students understand their next goal and have a clear path in sight for themselves. 
9     In my previous semester classes, I have been able to work in groups for certain projects and this semester in other classes I have had the same ability to do so. I want to find a way to stay in contact and bring a genuine willingness from my team members to work in a group. Oftentimes I find that students end up getting bored or dropping the prospects of the project which affects the group as a whole. One of my goals would be to have a way where the members of my group feel happy to work on the project and also have a deep understanding of the work we are doing. By having all the members engaged and working, it will increase productivity and the ability to produce a better finished product.
10     The Technical Description allowed me to reflect on my own abilities to dive deep into how an item is made and what makes up an item and its subparts. This allowed me to compare and contrast many items in order to fulfill the requirements of the TD. I wrote with the purpose being to inform the readers fully about what made up my product. By focusing on these aspects, I was able to streamline my essay so veteran researchers and newer readers could understand the smaller and more intricate parts of the item. One specific part I do this is where I show the detailed description of what a grommet is. Most people are unaware of its importance and do not know why it is used. By including language which supplements the readers knowledge and understanding, I was able to aid new readers in understanding specific parts of a racket. 
13     One of the course learning outcomes I learned more about was to acknowledge your and others’ range of linguistic differences as resources, and draw on those resources to develop rhetorical sensibility. I was able to advance and learn more in this category when doing peer review with my classmates. Peer reviews and self-reflection projects have been something I’ve enjoyed doing throughout the class as a way to reflect on work completed in class. It enables me to view my work from a different angle and determine how I may improve the contents so that the reader will comprehend it more clearly. In the past, I frequently saw that teachers did not allow sufficient time for the reevaluation or rewriting of an essay, which I felt was essential in this class.
14     One of the things I have learned while participating in this class is how to work well with others and allow them to work at their best. I wanted a means of communication so that my team members would genuinely be willing to cooperate as a unit. Students frequently wind up losing interest in the project or abandoning it, which has an impact on the group as a whole. One of my objectives, which I was able to accomplish, was to find a solution that would make my group members enthusiastic about working on the project and have a thorough grasp of what we are doing. All of the team members were actively engaged, which enhanced productivity and allowed for the creation of a superior final product.