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Product Review Essay

Abel Jacob

February 15th, 2023

In our lives, there are many household items that we use on a daily basis and provide some sort of crucial assistance to us. These items may be large or small and can be used for a variety of different things from cooking to entertainment. The item I have chosen for this particular essay is a Cooks brand air fryer. These items are considerably new and modern and provide a whole new process to cooking and frying foods. This item was chosen because of its advanced uses and interesting technology that makes this appliance. This specific item requires a very specific level of criteria as it is a unique appliance. I will be judging the air fryer on its ease of use, effectiveness when cooking, consistency, durability, and time it takes to cook food. 

The air fryer is a very versatile object, showing its uses in many ways such as frying meats, vegetables, and even used in unconventional ways like to reheat pizza. It also doubles down in its ease when using it. With a simple tray in the device, you slide food which you want cooked into the tray and set it to a certain time. Once the time has been reached, an alarm will sound notifying you that the food has been cooked. This makes it easy for consumers to cook food and leave it without worrying about oil spilling or splashing up at them like in conventional frying methods. The air fryer is also very efficient when cooking. While most frying techniques take a long time and can be dangerous, the air fryer executes them very easily with little to no harm involved. In this way it is able to establish itself as a staple appliance in many households due to the practicality of usage. Air fryers are not only known to do a good job while cooking food, but do it numerous times in a long timespan. With timely washing and maintenance, the fryer can easily run many years with little problems. By using a very well designed frame, the heat does not damage the metal portions and provides a safe handle to hold onto and not get burned. By having these qualities it makes it something family friendly which people can use for a quick and easy meal. This brings me to the last portion of criteria which is time. The timing used for an air fryer is considerably fast. Oftentimes, fried foods take very long to finish cooking properly due to the nature of the outer layer of batter and the inner layer of meat. This causes uneven cooking and even raw food in some instances. The air fryer not only eliminates those issues but compounds that with the factor of cooking food much faster than usual and conventional methods such as using oil. 

This appliance also uses many advanced technological methods not seen in cooking prior to the creation of this device. Usage of convection heat is the main way the air fryer manages not only to cook the food thoroughly, but how it imitates the job of a traditional fryer and creates a crispy exterior for the food. It also uses heating technology which allows for even cooking on all sides. Finally it uses a combination of materials which allow the inner portion of the item to not be damaged by the heat while having a handle which is also immune to the immense heat produced by the fryer. All of these features make it a very common and standard use appliance in households due to the benefits it has.

The air fryer is an item that has revolutionized the cooking industry as it has given a whole new way to use and cook foods. It has also been a pinnacle of technological uses as it has shown a new way to use heating principles to cook food in a different way. These advancements have made lives not only easier, but a once daunting task like cooking made easy.